All-inclusive 250m Garden Hose Kit
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Unit price perA full 250m Garden Hose Kit including LeakyPipe®, non-porous Supply Pipe, Timer and Connectors
Spend a bit more and buy the best LeakyPipe; from the people who have made it the longest. A great deal for 250metres of LeakyPipe, Connections, SupplyPipe and two-zone Timer.
Ideal for the person who wants to put an automatic watering system together, really quickly!
Stop dragging garden hose pipe around and look no further. Leaky Pipe Systems has been manufacturing for years, the best irrigation systems including this 250m garden hose kit.
This 250metre package is tailored for an application that may use 250-500metres of LeakyPipe. So there's scope to add more later, should you wish. This Kit uses LP12H LeakyPipe®, which is designed to be ideal for general purpose watering.
Our 250m Garden Hose Kit is an innovative, professional system
This LeakyPipe 250metre hose pipe kit is specifically made by us to work on top of the ground, if you wish, as well as sub-surface, sub-mulch; working up to 50metre lengths from the barbed connections to hose or polypipes. Designed for professionals, it will bring you full satisfaction. Our customers already love it and it is part of our best-selling garden hose pipe kits. Just give it a try!
✔ The 250m garden hose kit has proven to last in excess of ten years.
This one is ideal for watering beds and borders, planters, trees and hedgelines (LP use, up to 50metres long). Although we have specific hedge watering kits that will perfectly do the job, when they are over 100metres long.
Buying LeakyPipe 250m hose pipe kit, you will also have the following items
- 250 metres of LeakyPipe LP12H Porous Rubber Hose.
- 100 metres of 16mm Black Supply Pipe.
- 1 of Buddy2 Timer for Tap Connection (With two 16mm Compression fittings).here
- 5 of 16-12 Reducer Connectors (Supply to LeakyPipe).
- 20 of 16-12-16 Reducer Tees (Supply-Leaky-Supply).
- 3 of 16-16-16 Tees (Supply-Supply-Supply).
- 5 of 12-12-12 Tees (To "Branch" LeakyPipe to itself).
- 20 of 12 plugs (A tidy way to plug LeakyPipe ends).
- 2 of 16 plugs (A tidy way of sealing 16 supply pipe).
- 5 of 12-12 connectors (To connect Leaky-Leaky).
- 2 of 16-16 connectors (connect Supply Pipe to your hosepipe if you wish)
This 250m Garden Hose Kit is really Easy to Use
Imagine this. Firstly, put batteries in the Buddy2 timer and screw it to your tap (if your garden tap is conventional, it will have a 3/4" male thread that the timer will do-up onto). Screw on the two 3/4" female to 16mm compression fittings onto the two outputs of the timer (it has a pair of male 3/4" thread, like most timers).
Connect the 16mm supply pipe to the Buddy2 timer by pushing the supply pipe up into the compression fitting. (See Video). Then find a way of running the Supply tubing onto all the places you wish to water. Use the connection fittings and a pair of cutters, to tailor the tubing to give you a "Distribution Network" to carry the water to where you will be connecting the Leaky Pipe with the reducing connections.
Run the LeakyPipe near to the plants (within 30-50cm as the water will spread laterally) and plug the ends. If you have a moment, please have a look at this video about how it can go together with fittings.
LeakyPipe works by wicking water into the soil it contacts and therefore works best if hoed into the topsoil or "on-the-surface" & covered by mulch.
A typical domestic water source is usually capable of charging 2-300metres of Leaky Pipe at one time. So you can do a surprising large area of discreet watering with very little effort. With this Buddy2 timer, you can run two separate areas (or groups of areas) for differing amounts of time. By sequencing your watering, you can make bigger and better use of your water source. For more ideas on "How to work out what to do". Try watching our design videos on the next tab.
As a guide. In the growing season, 30-60minutes of watering per day is a good starting setting for your timer. Then tune it to your needs.
See this narrated video on system concepts and design.
Or the video in the next tab about the pressure regulator.
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